About Us
Working for you
TARFish is your fully independent peak body representing the interests of recreational marine fishers in Tasmania since 2004.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to champion recreational fishers and great recreational fishing experiences for all Tasmanians.
Our Goal
Our goal is to protect, promote and create, sustainable, accessible, and safe fishing for the benefit of the Tasmanian community.
Our Priorities
Our job is to work on behalf of Tasmania’s 100,000 recreational marine fishers to advocate, promote and secure:
Fair and protected access to well managed fisheries
Abundant fish stocks
Healthy habitats
Safe, easy, and inclusive access
Robust science and best practice fishing
To do that we will:
Be the fully independent peak body with direct access to the Minister and highest levels of Government.
Provide forums and other opportunities for recreational fishers to raise issues and topics of interest to guide the development of TARFish’s strategy and actions.
Represent the interests of recreational marine fishers to governments, industry, research, and community organisations.
Educate the community on recreational fishing, including environmental issues.
Promote the wise use and conservation of fish stocks and habitat.
Promote research to increase knowledge relevant to recreational fishing.
We work collaboratively with individuals, fishing clubs, fishing related businesses, and other like-minded organisations around the state for the benefit of our recreational marine fisheries.
Our principles
As a responsive and representative organisation, we will continue to evolve to best meet the needs of recreational marine fishers – now and for future generations.
As an organisation, our actions are guided by the following principles:
Ethical conduct by TARFish and recreational fishers
Open and inclusive peak body which encourages participation
Effectiveness, efficiency and accountability in our activities