Get Involved
How can you support recreational fishing in Tasmania?
TARFish will provide opportunities for recreational fishers to share their views on specific topics and opportunities to participate in projects and programs.
Become a member and like our Facebook page - it’s how we’ll keep you up to date and how you can get involved.
What’s coming up?
The review of the Living Marine Resources Management Act (LMRMA) is underway, we’ll continue to update this page as it progresses.
The Government’s summary report of all submissions to the discussion paper can be found here.
“The next stage in the Review is the development of a White Paper that will propose a pathway to modernise marine resources management in Tasmania.
It is intended that this White Paper will be open for public consultation in early 2023.”
We’ll be in touch with TARFish members seeking their views on the White Paper once it is released. Stay tuned!