We’re here
to champion
recreational fishers
TARFish is the fully independent peak body representing the interests of recreational marine fishers in Tasmania.
We are the government recognised, fully independent peak body set up to represent Tasmania’s recreational fishers. Our goal is to protect, promote and create sustainable, accessible, enjoyable and safe fishing for the benefit of Tasmanians.
Latest News
Breaking News:
Huon Aquaculture to medicate fish with antibiotics in lower D'Entrecasteaux
New South East Marine Park Management Plan released quietly today
Expressions of interest sought from TARFish members for sardine reference group
Tassie's rec fishers just LOVE scallops and there is good news and bad news in the State Government’s proposed changes to the scallop rules. TARFish warmly welcomes proposed catch sharing arrangements but does not support plans to open a commercial dive fishery - find out why.
Tassie's rec fishers are the greatest users of marine parks and the proposed lock outs by the Commonwealth Government fail to recognise our low impact. TARFish does not support the draft plan and believes that consultation was critically flawed. We think there's a better way.
There is plenty happening in recreational fishing right now and more coming up. Here’s a quick update on what’s coming up in the next couple of months
The latest IMAS survey of recreational fishing in Tasmania shows what we already knew – more Tasmanians are fishing more often! Find out what it means for sand flathead and more…
What’s the catch with calamari? Rated as depleted or depleting around Tasmania, NRE has proposed changes to spawning season closures and commercial management on the north coast. . More needs to be done to protect the remaining spawning aggregations and recover them to a sustainable level. Find out more at www.tarfish.org
NEW! TARFish has today launched the first of four weather buoys around Tasmania to deliver real-time weather and improve access, quality and safety of Tasmanian’s fishing experience. The free weather information service to rec fishers is available from the TARFish website at www.tarfish.org
We have prepared our Securing Our Fishing Futere priorities for the Tasmanian State Election on 23 March 2024. We will proactively represent recreational fishers with Tasmania’s political parties in the lead up to the election to secure commitments that will secure our fishing future.